Geranium The company was founded in 1990 and immediately is distinguished by the quality ...
L’azienda Geranio nasce nel 1990 e fin da subito si distingue per la qualità dei suoi articoli e il vastissimo assortimento.Azienda giovane, dinamica e sempre alla ricerca di nuovi materiali, riesce ad anticipare i cambiamenti del mercato per soddisfare le più raffinate esigenze della propria clientela.L’attività del Geranio consiste nell’import-export all’ingrosso di fiori e piante artificiali, decorazioni, accessori e componenti d’arredo, candele, vetri, ceramiche, oggettistica, stoffe e tendaggi, candelabri, specchi, nastri e carta fantasia, accessori per la pasticceria e bomboniere. Inoltre, offre diversi materiali indispensabili per l’allestimento degli ambienti.Geranium The company was founded in 1990 and immediately stands out for the quality of its articles and so much choice.young, dynamic and always looking for new materials, it is able to anticipate changes in the market to meet the most sophisticated needs of its customers.The activity consists of Geranium wholesale import-export of artificial flowers and plants, decorations, accessories and components of furniture, candles, glass, ceramics, objects, materials and curtains, chandeliers, mirrors, ribbons and fancy paper, supplies bakery and wedding favors. In addition, it offers different materials indispensable for the preparation of the environments.Miglioramenti vari